Exede FAQs
What is the WildBlue service and where is it available?
WildBlue is a high-speed Internet access service for homes, home offices and small offices. It is available in virtually every location across the continental United States.
Why should I get WildBlue?
WildBlue provides access to the Internet at much higher speeds than dial-up access: up to 1.5 Mbps which is more than 30 times faster than dial-up. A whole new world of content will open up to you with your broadband connection. And with WildBlue, you get an "always on" connection which means no dialing-in or other delays to get high-speed access to the Internet.
How hard is it to use?
Not hard at all. Once we professionally install your WildBlue system, you are ready to surf the Internet at lightning fast speeds. You can use your same web-browser, go to the same sites, use your email, etc. just like you always have...but a lot faster! And it's always on so no more dialing-in delays, or getting "bumped off."
Who do I call if I have a problem?
You just call the friendly customer support techs at unitedwb.coop. We'll have a person you can talk to, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Technical Support: 800.585.6454 (toll free).
What equipment is needed to get the WildBlue service?
It's easy. All you need is a WildBlue mini dish and a WildBlue modem. Learn more about the equipment here.
What are my minimum computer system requirements to get WildBlue?
Most computers in use today will meet our minimum system requirements. Learn more about the Minimum System Requirements here, or contact us and we can help you figure it out.
PC/ Windows: 300 MHz or faster processing speed, minimum 128 MB Random Access Memory (RAM), and Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP Home or XP Professional operating system. 100 MB of hard drive space and an Ethernet card are required.
Macintosh: 300 MHz or faster processing speed, 128MB Random Access Memory (RAM), and OS 9.x, OS 10.2 or higher operating system. 100 MB of hard drive space and an Ethernet card are required.
Are there any cancellation fees?
Our customers are required to sign a 24 month contract when they initiate service. If you disconnect your service before the 24 months expire, there will be a cancellation fee equal to the price of your monthly service multiplied by the remaining number of months in your contract.
What kind of speed can I expect?
WildBlue will offer different packages that provide you different speed levels. Our core Value Service will offer up to 512 Kbps download speed. We plan to offer other services with up to 1.5 Mbps download speeds.
What does WildBlue cost?
There are two costs - an up front fee to pay for the equipment and professional installation, and a monthly service fee for the high-speed Internet access.
Equipment price is $299.00 and professional installation is FREE for "normal installs" a $200 value.
We will offer a variety of packages at different monthly fees, including a Value Pak at $49.95 per month. Learn more about the packages we offer for your home and small office.
More Questions
Information about WildBlue
Policies & Forms
Packages & Pricing
Current Offer PDF
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WildBlue FAQs
Subscriber Portal User Guide
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